After hours emergencies need to be handled by a local company of their choice and submitted to Goldcrest the next business day. Goldcrest is not equipped to handle emergencies here on site. After this, Goldcrest will do an investigation to determine if the issue is covered under warranty.
Submit all claims to warranty@goldcresthomes.com
Claims submitted in any other form will not guarantee submission [EDIT]
All submissions must include:
Name of homeowner
Full address
Description of issue [include as much detail as possible]
Pictures of damage or issue
After hours emergencies need to be handled by a local company of their choice and submitted to Goldcrest the next business day. Goldcrest is not equipped to handle emergencies here on-site. After this, Goldcrest will do an investigation to determine if the issue is covered under warranty.
A submission for warranty work is not a guarantee that work will be covered. All, non-emergent issues, are reviewed according to our warranty coverage. Submissions will be responded to within 3 business days.
Need to know what is or isn’t covered? [LINK TO PDF WITH FULL DETAIL DOC]
Please note, homewoners are responsible for mitigating issues as much as possible until warranty is resolved.
Contact us if you have any questions about how to submit a claim.